Medical Device Software Critical questions to ask before starting a medical device project. Medical Device Software Critical questions to ask before starting a medical device project. 6 Questions to Ask When Starting A Medical Device Software Project The medical device industry is booming. This comprehensive eBook explores critical questions to ask before starting a medical device project. The medical device industry is booming – it is expected to be a $718 billion market by 2029. That means there are a lot of opportunities to develop innovative, technologically advanced medical devices in the coming months and years, especially given the increase in R&D efforts and investments. So what are we talking about when we say “medical device”? Since the industry is so vast and covers everything from pacemakers to MRI machines to diabetes testing devices, it’s important to keep our definition more focused in this eBook. When we refer to medical devices, what we’re talking about are external, handheld, patient-focused devices intended to make care easier and more efficient for users. We’re focusing on these types of devices because they typically fall under FDA Class I and II classifications (more on that later), which is where the bulk of our medical device experience lies. In this comprehensive eBook, you’ll learn: • The different types of medical devices and what they mean for your data throughput • How to get started to ensure a successful project • How to ensure that your hardware and software vendors are communicating effectively • Strategies to incorporate human-centered design into your Agile process while adhering to the FDA’s waterfall Design Control Process • Considerations around choosing a cloud service provider for your project • Regulatory and compliance terms and why they’re so important Tags Software DevelopmentWeb Get the eBook Запишете се за нашия бюлетин