Guide To Going Serverless You’ve decided AWS Lambda is the right choice to power your website or app. So, how do you get started? Guide To Going Serverless You’ve decided AWS Lambda is the right choice to power your website or app. So, how do you get started? There Is More To Serverless Than AWS Lambda You’ve decided AWS Lambda is the right choice to power your website or app. So, how do you get started? You’ve put in the research and decided that AWS Lambda is the right choice to power your website or app. You’ve chosen wisely as Lambda offers a number of benefits that make it an attractive option for many businesses. Before you can deploy though, there are a couple more decisions that you’ll need to make: how you’ll connect your front end to your back end and where you’ll store all of your data. Since Lambda functions are all stateless, your code can access stateful data via other web services — Amazon S3 and DynamoDB among others. Those stateless functions enable Lambda to rapidly scale as needed by launching copies of the function that match the rate of incoming events. So, how do you get started? First step: reading this guide. You’ll learn: How to connect your front end to your back end Alternatives to API Gateway API Gateway pricing How to persist your data Choosing proper storage solutions The benefits and drawbacks of going serverless Tags DevelopmentSystems Architecture Get the eBook Suscribase a nuestro newsletter mensual. Read what's next. Download 3 Mobile App Development Disasters and How to Avoid Them Download 6 Questions to Ask When Starting A Medical Device Software Project