The Brand Lab’s Fearless Conversation

MentorMate is proud to sponsor The Brand Lab and the work they’re doing to change the voice and face of the marketing industry. Join The BrandLab and MPR as they wrestle with controversial questions about the power and role of marketing to impact the world.

Join The BrandLab and MPR as we wrestle with controversial questions about the power and role of marketing to impact the world.

For decades, marketers have been trying to connect with American consumers by associating themselves with what they thought to be a universally shared vision of America: A land of opportunity, for everyone. But is that vision really shared and valued by all Americans?

If it’s not, how should marketers respond? Should marketers be in the business of defining our country’s values at all? Can’t they just say Cheetos taste great, and be done with it?
MentorMate is proud to sponsor The Brand Lab and the work they’re doing to change the voice and face of the marketing industry. The Brand Lab is a MentorMate Community partner.