Martin began his professional journey typewriting for a French company. However, while researching Adobe Flash and PHP opportunities, he learned that his interest lay in product interaction.
Before joining MentorMate, he gathered professional coding experience while working for companies whose main business is developing websites and web-based CRM systems. He started with us in 2012 as a Frond-End Developer. His primary focus is JavaScript, following its development throughout the years with great interest. He has worked for short and long-term web products and varied projects. As some of his most significant professional achievements, he cites the acknowledgment of his colleagues and their respect and the opportunities his work has given him.
Martin likes to joke that despite being his team’s leader, he still remembers well what a programmer’s sorrow is and how safe Safari actually is (to debug).
Marto loves to watch movies and make his Youtube video podcast in his free time. He is also a proud owner of a certificate for phenomenal charms and a mindboggling sense of humor, issued by Himself University (HU) and accredited by everyone at MentorMate.