Elena Petrova Headshot

Sincere Communicator & HR Devotee

Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova Headshot

Eli is among the first people at the company that our new colleagues meet, in person or online. She’s in charge of the initial phase of onboarding — creating accounts and doing induction presentations for new team members. A good portion of the company-wide email communication comes from her, and she also takes care of our internal administrative portal and the administration of the benefits program and the performance management process.

In the past few years, Eli has been the key organizer of MentorMate’s Christmas charity auction, and she also takes active part in the arrangement of internal events and initiatives, like teambuildings, theme parties, or games.

When asked about her greatest achievements at work, she says they аre yet to come. She considers every little step in the right direction a notable success, and she finds her greatest satisfaction in happy “clients” and a job well done.

Elena loves singing (and people say she does sing very well). Sadly, it’s a rare chance to hear her sing as she suffers from horrible stage fright and keeps her talent a well-kept secret. Outside office hours, she’s also a keen traveler, taking lots of pictures of the places she visits. Painting often keeps her busy, as well as doing handicrafts with her daughter.

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