Talent Acquisition Leader, Optimist, & Father

Nikolay Lyubchev

Nikolay Lyubchev is the Global Director of Talent Acquisition at MentorMate, bringing over 12 years of dedicated recruiting and employer branding expertise. He embarked on his journey with MentorMate in 2012 and has become a driving force ever since.

Nikolay’s approach to decision-making is firmly rooted in data-driven methodologies, a principle he diligently applies in his professional endeavors and personal life. His flexibility and unwavering belief in adapting to various situations align perfectly with his advocacy for agile methodologies, fostering innovation in the world around him.

In contrast to keeping departments isolated or information in silos, Nikolay encourages cross-functional, self-organized teams prioritizing communication and collaboration, ultimately delivering effective solutions.

Integrity is the cornerstone of Nikolay’s relationships with colleagues, customers, friends, or acquaintances. His commitment to transparency lends authenticity to every interaction.

Nikolay’s optimism shines through as he seeks the silver lining in every situation, channeling failures into valuable lessons. His natural curiosity fuels a relentless pursuit of “What if” scenarios, propelling him to explore new horizons and devise innovative solutions to seemingly insurmountable challenges.

His passion extends beyond the office, where he enjoys cooking for his family, traveling around the world, and sharing the joy of skateboarding with his son.

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