October 01, 2015 The essential app store optimization guide In our 2015 App Store Optimization Guide, we walk you through the fundamentals and show you how to start reaping the benefits of mobile app marketing. Emily Genco We all want to get noticed. Maybe it’s by making music, sharing ideas or excelling at a craft. Regardless of the method, the end goal is the same: Make an impact. The objective of an app in the Apple App or Google Play Stores is no different. But making an impact, sharing that idea or providing that new moment of understanding, simplicity or efficiency with a mobile app starts with one thing: Getting downloaded. Learn how with our just launched app store optimization guide. App visibility against all odds Many try. And many fail. There were 1,600,000 apps in the Google Play Store and 1,500,000 in the Apple App Store as of July 2015. There’s no magic formula or seance required to improve the click-throughs to your app. It’s science. The first step to succeeding at app store optimization is understanding the role it plays in the conversion funnel. Inbound marketers are charged with optimizing their websites for specific keywords so they rank highly in organic search. That’s SEO. App store optimization marketing (ASO) is similar. One purpose is to increase the likelihood your mobile app will be found by users. The second often-overlooked component is conversion optimization. You can rank first and still fail at ASO if no one chooses to download your app. Components of ASO and conversion optimization include: Keyword research, selection and placement Category selection Icon design Why ASO matters — Low cost, high impact App store optimization is particularly important because it allows creators low cost exposure compared to the large budgets integrated marketing campaigns can rack up. Research shows users interact with app stores frequently. According to one survey, 64% of people had downloaded an app in the past 7 days. How do users find mobile apps? 52% — Family, friends and colleagues 40% — General browsing in an app store 27% — Search engines Optimization differences between Apple and Google Chances are good the users you want to be downloading your app come with a variety of form factor needs. Some will want to use it on their iPads or their iPhones or their Android devices. App optimization considerations are different depending on the app market place. Apple Apple’s algorithm assesses the relevancy of the keywords and content in the title and 100 character description. It puts weight on download volume, reviews and the perceived positivity of those reviews. Any press or social awareness is helpful in driving traffic to the app but doesn’t directly impact rankings. Google The Google Play Store takes a more holistic approach. The algorithm is more SEO-focused using the online app store listing, any associated web pages, links from blogs, press releases, articles and social proof to assign rankings. The correlation is a direct one between linked press, media or social signals like tweets, shares and +1s. Google sees this social proof as citations of popularity. What the Apple and Google ranking systems value Download velocity: Number/time Quality/Uninstalls Frequency of use Number of ratings Quality of ratings Comments Keyword density Social engagement Number of backlinks How do you rank higher in the app store? Download our free App Store Optimization 2015 eBook and skip ahead to page 8 to find out. Tags MobileDevelopment Share Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Sign up for our monthly newsletter. Sign up for our monthly newsletter.