MIMA: AI, Computational Propaganda and What It Means for Marketers So much of the marketing press related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) these days feels quite fluffy. But what if AI is not all rainbows and butterflies? November 15, 2017 - 1:00 pm Southern Theater Members Free - Non-members $40 So much of the marketing press related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) these days feels quite fluffy. Chatbots and smart virtual assistants are all the rage and represent the new Shiny Objects of the day. But what if AI is not all rainbows and butterflies? What if it’s not as harmless as Mark Zuckerberg espouses but rather is more on the “Elon Musk predicting Skynet is a definite reality” side of the spectrum? Related, how is AI impacting our daily lives at work? On social media? In our lives as U.S. and global citizens? MIMA is going outside the norm and bringing in a true thought leader from Washington D.C. to stir the pot and perhaps freak us out a little (or a lot). Matt Chessen, Senior Technology Policy Advisor with the U.S. Department of State is a former marketer turned technology diplomat that specializes in artificial intelligence, computational propaganda, cognitive security, and machine-driven communications. Register Tags Share Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Twitter