Communicative Developer & Comics Art Fan

Nikola Peevski

Nikola’s professional path began while he was still studying software development in college. After the second year of his undergraduate studies, he started working as a part-time full-stack software developer. His primary responsibilities included writing the software from scratch and managing servers. He then began pursuing a degree at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, but COVID-19 changed his plans, and he had to drop out unexpectedly.

Nikola has been part of the LAMP & FE team at MentorMate since 2020. Currently, he is working on a project that helps people with anxiety and depression. His typical day involves participating in meetings and solving development problems by writing code. Nikola also participates in interviews for new candidates occasionally. His latest challenge at MentorMate is being a buddy in the DevCamp program. He plans to become knowledgeable enough to take on a lead position while also writing clean-performant code.

He loves everything related to cooking, trying new foods, and learning new recipes in his free time. His music interests vary from R&B to Bach. Nikola is also a fan of Asian artwork (Manga and Manhwa) as well as western comics. His latest endeavors include helping his parents prepare their farmland for planting crops. He even had to fix a tractor’s engine recently.

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